Open Monday-Saturday 2-6pm
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Chicken Feed

Chickens need different feed at different times and ages, so we offer four different feeds designed specifically to meet your chickens' needs.
As with ALL of our feeds, each of our chicken feeds start with Non-GMO whole grains, legumes, and seeds.
Chick Starter is what your new little flock members need to help them grow strong. This recipe is designed to help them build strong bones and muscles as they grow, which they do very quickly. It is ground more finely so they can eat it easily and digest it as fully as possible. A Fertrell's vitamin and mineral supplement is added to provide exactly what new chicks need. Feed it with confidence to both your egg and meat chicks. We recommend using the Chick Starter up to 4 weeks for meat chicks, and 6 weeks for egg layers.
Premium Broiler is what your 4-6 week old chicks (called pullets) need. They look like awkward adolescents at this age, and they still need a feed designed to help them build strong bones and muscles as they grow into laying hens or meat birds. A Fertrell's vitamin and mineral is added to provide exactly what your hungry adolescents need. Feed this until egg production begins (usually 5-6 months of age) or until butcher time.
Quality Layer is what your hens need when they begin to produce pullet eggs, which are tiny practice eggs. At this point, their bodies are working on producing eggs, so they need a different recipe including additional calcium to support shell production. A vitamin and mineral supplement is added to provide exactly what your laying hens need to produce healthy eggs.
Premium Layer is what your chickens need when they have reduced access to forage foods such as bugs, especially in winter. A Fertrell's vitamin and mineral supplement is added to provide exactly what your laying hens need to produce healthy eggs - plus, it also has added kelp and probiotics. It's also the best feed for your show birds.
* Do not feed a layer ration to chickens who are still growing as the amount of calcium is too much for their kidneys to process since they don't yet need it to produce egg shells.
* Chickens need free choice access to appropriately sized grit for proper digestion. Grit is available on our Additional Products page.
* Laying hens need free choice access to calcium for strong eggshells as some simply need more than others. Interestingly, they only eat what they need. Calcium supplements are available on our Additional Products page.
* ALL chickens need a constant, abundant supply of fresh, clean water.
For current prices and shipping to your area, please contact us.